result count: 5

Sys422205_nameDevourer in the Dark
Sys422205_szquest_accept_detailHere is another book written by my master: "Compendium of Ancient Organisms". It's not really bedtime reading. Some people might even consider it a forbidden text!\n\nIt contains information on many powerful "Special Organisms" that inhabit, or used to inhabit, our world. In addition to gigantic dragons and elemental organisms, the book also discusses several very powerful and ancient demons. I believe Trolls still worship one of them, which is the legendary spider goddess Lyoth. She and Vhartiveniz, the Queen of the Kaa, are both considered Great Demons of Ancient Darkness. Originating in darkness, these two insatiable Devourers consumed all creatures in their path, until, it is said, the first Elven King, Ladenias, defeated them with his holy sword, the Arclight. Fancy the spider goddess Lyoth showing up here! \n\nMy friend, this situation is very serious indeed. It's much bigger than anything a pencil-necked scholar like me can handle. Maybe you should go and tell someone from the Varanas City Guard about this. I think they would like to know about this matter. Quickly, then, go! I sense a great storm is coming, one that could engulf the whole world...
Sys422205_szquest_complete_detail([112632|Lao Timiz] looks at the letter you gave him. With a sneer he indicates the lieutenant next to him to take the letter for him. He then looks away and ignores you completely.)
Sys422205_szquest_descGive [204327|Layse's Warning Letter] to the [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] Supply Officer [112632|Lao Timiz] stationed at Woodchop Village in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest].
Sys422205_szquest_uncomplete_detailLieutenant, why's it always so hot here?\n\nI can't wait to get back to Boulderwind Inn and have a drink. This errand is ridiculous...