result count: 5

Sys422214_nameA Spider's Larder
Sys422214_szquest_accept_detail(You notice someone is moving inside the spider's cocoon, but you cannot free that person. The person inside senses that you are there and starts talking.)\n\nFriend! Are you a member of the Varanas City Guard? It doesn't matter, just help me will you? I'm [112634|Woods Biar]. I'm officer of the supply team. Unknown creatures attacked me and my brothers in the forest. As we fled I was injured and passed out. When I came to I was already wrapped up in here. I broke my dagger so I can't cut through this cocoon. Are my buddies wrapped up next to me? I can't hear them, which can't be good. Thank god you're here. Please help break me out of this cocoon. \n\nI know of a scholar from the ecology research team somewhere near Woodchop Village. Maybe he'll know how to open this cocoon. Would you ask him for me? Please hurry. They might come back at any moment.
Sys422214_szquest_complete_detailA [112635|Suspicious-looking Spider Cocoon]? Have you tried burning it? Silk is extremely flammable...\n\n(You tell [112625|Layse] that [112634|Woods Biar] is trapped inside it.)\n\nWhat? There's someone inside? Wait! Then you can't use fire! My god! Friend, you should have told me straight away. Otherwise we would have been rescuing a charred corpse. If you want to get someone out of a giant spider cocoon ALIVE, I suggest you use a totally different technique.
Sys422214_szquest_descAsk [112625|Layse Ikali], the ecology research team member in the [ZONE_FOREST OF WHISPERS|Muttering Forest], how to open the [112635|Spider Cocoon].
Sys422214_szquest_uncomplete_detailSpiders? Why spiders? I'm not afraid of spiders, so why should Trolls be? Strange. I really need to come up with an answer.