result count: 5

Sys422215_szquest_accept_detailListen to me, my friend. The tensile strength of the silk produced by giant spiders is well beyond the scope of ordinary weapons, especially when you're trying not to kill the person inside. Such situations call for a totally different approach.\n\nI have a solvent here that is designed to breakdown just this kind of silk structure. Professor Dez invented it, probably because he was forever getting caught in spider webs... Anyway, take it and give it a go. Hurry or your friend will soon become spider supper!
Sys422215_szquest_complete_detail(You smear [204333|Layse's Mysterious Potion] on the [112635|Suspicious-looking Spider Cocoon] and very quickly the spider silk softens. You tear it open easily and pull [112634|Woods Biar] out from inside.)
Sys422215_szquest_descUse [204333|Layse's Mysterious Potion] to destroy the [112635|Suspicious-looking Spider Cocoon] and rescue the supply team officer, [112634|Woods Biar].
Sys422215_szquest_uncomplete_detail([112634|Woods Biar] is wailing.)\n\nWho will save me?! I don't want to be a spider's supper!