result count: 5

Sys422225_nameWhen Vengeance is the Only Road
Sys422225_szquest_accept_detail[$PLAYERNAME], you saw those filthy Tiktaalik nearby, didn't you? Last time they raided our village for water bone leaves, they killed my husband, Jonah.\n\nMy world ended at that moment. Never again will I hear Jonah's soft whispering. The world is cold and full of death...\n\nI despise those Tiktaalik. I spend all my time thinking of ways to kill them. Yes! I want them all dead!\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], if you can kill those Tiktaalik and bring back their [<S>204448|Fin Scales] as proof then this gold is yours!
Sys422225_szquest_complete_detail[$PLAYERNAME], that's what I'm talkin' about! Annihilate them!\n\nI'll keep killing Tiktaaliks for as long as I draw breath, for my husband's sake.
Sys422225_szquest_descTake 10 [<S>204448|Fin Scales] off the Ayat Tiktaaliks and give them to [112510|Dajen Lege] at [ZONE_BOULDERWIND|Boulderwind Village].
Sys422225_szquest_uncomplete_detailI hate them... I'll bury them all!