result count: 5

Sys422247_nameStudent Certificate
Sys422247_szquest_accept_detailYou've already completed your preparations. What else do you need? Yes, [204655|Student Certificate]. This shows that you have become an official student of the school. Congratulations!\n\nPlease take this [204655|Student Certificate] to the distribution office on the shore of the lake in the north-western part of the academy and visit the academy's secretary, [112796|Magalan]. According to the circumstances of the academy's masters, she'll place you with a master to carry out your champion certification.
Sys422247_szquest_complete_detailJust where is Principal [112820|Kayfadeen]?\n\nThere are so many new students that need to be assigned. I can't get it all done myself...
Sys422247_szquest_descTalk to Master [112794|Blinsik] and get the [204655|Student Certificate], then visit the academy secretary, [112796|Magalan], at the distribution office on the shore of the lake in the north-western part of the academy.
Sys422247_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease take this [204655|Student Certificate] to the distribution office on the shore of the lake in the north-western part of the academy and visit the academy's secretary, [112796|Magalan]. According to the circumstances of each of the academy's masters, she'll place you with a master to carry out your champion certification.\n\n\n<CS>\n"Abandoning Quests"\nWhen you cannot complete a certain quest, you can open your Quest Log interface, click the quest name, then click the "Abandon Quest" button on the bottom right. This will abandon the quest and then you can re-accept this quest again.\n</CS>