result count: 5

Sys422287_nameDon't Tell Master Belintan
Sys422287_szquest_accept_detailI haven't seen you before, are you a new student?\n\nGood, I need a partner, but the other students in the academy lack the desire to research and explore. They only focus on studying the magic taught by Master [112850|Belintan]. They don't know that being able to learn how to use magic in context with their situation is the highest form of research.\n\nCan you help me? My partner, I'm researching a way to make Ents into Elves' pets and have them help Elves do things, but I'm trying to do this without using the power of nature. The first research material I need is [204619|Crystal Potion]. It isn't hard to get. The magic study room is full of it. Please go there to get me a bottle.\n\nOh ya! In order to keep this research secret, when you get the [204619|Crystal Potion], be careful not to let Master [112850|Belintan] or any other instructors see what you're doing.
Sys422287_szquest_complete_detailDid Master [112850|Belintan] or any other instructor notice you grab the [204619|Crystal Potion]?
Sys422287_szquest_descGo to the magic study room next to the waterfall in the north-west of the [ZONE_CAMPAIGN GARRISON|Valley of Preparation], grab a bottle of [204619|Crystal Potion] and bring it back to [112873|Ailkiss].
Sys422287_szquest_uncomplete_detailDid you get the [204619|Crystal Potion]? It's in the magic study room in the north-west of the [ZONE_CAMPAIGN GARRISON|Valley of Preparation].