result count: 5

Sys422295_nameStolen Mushrooms
Sys422295_szquest_accept_detailIn addition to looking for the [204623|Dilili Mushroom], if you see any [<S>101932|Spore Guards], please help me get back the mushrooms I painstakingly collected.\n\nThose [<S>101932|Spore Guards] saw me lying here, and not only didn't they think to help me, but they stole my mushrooms. Other than Elves, other races are low class with no manners.
Sys422295_szquest_complete_detailThank the Holy King, you found my [<S>204626|Stolen Mushrooms]!\n\nThank you so much. May the power of nature be with you always, my friend.
Sys422295_szquest_descGet 10 [<S>204626|Stolen Mushrooms] from the [<S>101932|Spore Guards] in the [ZONE_SPORE MIRE|Spore Grove] and give them to [112878|Liri].
Sys422295_szquest_uncomplete_detailAll the mushrooms I collected today were stolen by those [<S>101932|Spore Guards]. They didn't collect them themselves, but just stole them. It's really despicable...