result count: 5
keystring | eneu |
Sys422299_name | Kajiazan Must Die |
Sys422299_szquest_accept_detail | It's regrettable, child.\n\nIt seems that defeating their warriors and shamans didn't teach those lowly apemen a lesson. I think it's time to deliver a slap in the face to King [101940|Kajiazan] of the [ZONE_SAPIENCE DEN|Sabinean Cave]!\n\nInfiltrate the [ZONE_SAPIENCE DEN|Sabinean Cave] and find that shameless apeman King [101940|Kajiazan] who can only hide inside while sending his minions out. In the name of the Holy King, teach him and his race some manners.\n\n(Recommended group: 3 people) |
Sys422299_szquest_complete_detail | You did well, child.\n\nDon't forget the spirit with which you defended the honor of the Elves. The Holy King will go with you always. |
Sys422299_szquest_desc | Infiltrate the [ZONE_SAPIENCE DEN|Sabinean Cave], defeat the Sabinean king [101940|Kajiazan], then report back to [112886|Dimuphalat]. \n\n(Recommended group: 3 people) |
Sys422299_szquest_uncomplete_detail | Please be careful when fighting the lowly apemen. May the power of nature be with you. |