result count: 9

SC_422313_0Lady, what is etiquette?
SC_422313_2Etiquette and [204641|Elven Law] coincide in the following maxims: "Punctuality maintains order" and "Respect your elders". Observing [204641|Elven Law] makes life more disciplined and peaceful; only by following the rules can we lead more respectful and harmonious lives.\nThese standards and regulations are all based on the radiant example of reasonable conduct set by the great Holy King. \n\nWe must respect them, in order to bathe in his glorious radiance and not stray into the dark abyss of moral depravity.\n\nDo you understand me, child?
SC_422313_3Sure, Lady, I understand!
Sys422313_nameRoots of Living for Etiquette
Sys422313_szquest_accept_detailIt looks like I have to teach you again about the importance of etiquette in our lives!\n\nEtiquette is the criteria of all our behavior, it's the essence of our culture, it's complementary to honor, and as an Elven champion, you can't be without it!\n\nWe must constantly remind ourselves of the brilliance of the Holy King, and never do anything to dishonor the Holy King! The Holy King is our model, and we must follow his footsteps, follow the pulse of nature. This is etiquette!\n\nChild, you cannot fail to comply with etiquette! Just as the wind blows through the leaves, etiquette lives in our hearts! You can't go against your heart!\n\nIf your heart is idle and your actions go against etiquette, like [112832|Raylishag's] irresponsible attitude and your light attitude toward etiquette, this noble culture will be lost because of you. And you'll slowly stray from the path of honor.\n\nI cannot allow this. I must correct your attitude!\n\nDo you have any more questions about etiquette?
Sys422313_szquest_complete_detailDo you understand the importance of etiquette?\n\nWe must follow etiquette and abide by the [204641|Elven Law] in order to not be rude! At the same time, we shouldn't help others in their derelict actions!\n\nIn this way, you won't easily stray from the light of honor!
Sys422313_szquest_descAnswer [112870|Dianalin's] question.
Sys422313_szquest_uncomplete_detailDo you understand now?