result count: 14

SC_422367Another knight here for the trials, are you?
SC_422367_0Another fresh face? Didn't I say, "No more fools"?
SC_422367_3For certain reasons (which I cannot divulge), we might be cooperating with the Order of Dark Glory. In preparation for future crises, we are continually revising our patterns of possible collaboration and have established a series of training simulations. Now I want to ask you as part of the temporary alliance partners of "friendly" knights to undergo these trials. The rules are simple. I will summon the [<S>102114|Bloodgorger Demon Blooms]. You have to get their attention and lead them towards my assistant, [102113|Pi'miro Gelis]. who will rain magic down and completely wipe them out. Every time you successfully draw them to him, you will receive a [204891|Recording Crystal] to record your combat value. When you have collected 10 [<S>204891|Recording Crystals], the experiment will end. From these [<S>204891|Recording Crystals] I can get more detailed diagnostics. You can then take the [<S>204891|Recording Crystals] back with you. They record your fighting spirit and will help [113017|Serre Majik] make you a [204855|Soul of the Arkana: Knight], which should be nice. OK then, now I'll ask you, are you ready for this?
SC_422367_5Not ready!
SC_422367_6(Sigh)... The experiment's finished! Thanks for your help. Now you can take these [<S>204891|Recording Crystals] and find [113017|Serre Majik]!
SC_422367_7Yes! In order to make the experiment more meticulous, I want you to complete it within the time limit.
Sys422367_nameSoul of the Arkana: Knight
Sys422367_szquest_accept_detailThe final object needed to make the [204650|Arkana] is the hardest. You have to pass a multi-layered test to imbue the [204650|Arkana] with your spirit and create the [204855|Soul of the Arkana: Knight] that belongs to you.\n\nAs a knight you believe in protecting others. You make yourself a fortress to protect your friends and family. You use your strong spirit to force enemies to face you and submit to your will.\n\nThis is the kind of spirit that a knight needs. What we need is for you to show this and put forth the spirit of a knight so the [204855|Soul of the Arkana: Knight] that you obtain will be even more exceptional.\n\nYour next test is at the cave between the [ZONE_ZURHIDON CAMP|Zurhidon Camp] and the [ZONE_LASKOTAR|Sathkur Ruins] in [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes]. There hides one of our outstanding instructors, [113007|Hersibi Taylor]. We are secretly performing exercises in preparation of crises that may occur in the future.\n\nI think he will be able to give you quite a few tests to perform. I want you to help him with all the problems that he foresees and put good use of that knight's spirit inside you.
Sys422367_szquest_complete_detailThese [<S>204891|Recording Crystals] really are useful for helping me imbue [204650|Arkana] with your knight's spirit. I can already feel your [204855|Soul of the Arkana: Knight] slowly taking shape.\n\n([113017|Serre Majik] takes out something bright and passes it to you.)\n\nYes, this is your [204855|Soul of the Arkana: Knight], can you see its unparalleled brightness?
Sys422367_szquest_descListen to the instructions of [113017|Serre Majik] from [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and go to the cave between [ZONE_ZURHIDON CAMP|Zurhidon Camp] and [ZONE_LASKOTAR|Sathkur Ruins] in [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes]. When you get there, look for [113007|Hersibi Taylor], finish all the work he gives you, then give the [<S>204891|Recording Crystals] you obtain to [113017|Serre Majik].
Sys422367_szquest_uncomplete_detailA great spirit urges you, knight, never forget the sanctity and radiance of your own soul.\n\nControlling your own spirit has become your most important lesson. Go!\n\nYour test place is at the cave between the [ZONE_ZURHIDON CAMP|Zurhidon Camp] and the [ZONE_LASKOTAR|Sathkur Ruins] in [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes]. Polish your shield and welcome the challenge!