result count: 6

SC_422378_0Level 50 Knight Dialogue
Sys422378_nameSoul of the Arkana: Knight
Sys422378_szquest_accept_detailYou lost your [204855|Soul of the Arkana: Knight]? Don't you know that the most difficult part of creating the [204650|Arkana] is going through a lot of tests to inject your will into the [204650|Arkana] and create your own special [204855|Soul of the Arkana: Knight]?\n\nOk, let me think for a minute...\n\nGot it! I think [113007|Hersibi Taylor] is probably still preparing for a crisis that may occur in the future. Perhaps there you will find opportunities to test yourself and bring your knightly will into play. Remember that in every test you must persist in your knightly will from start to finish for us to be able to successfully inject this will into your [204650|Arkana]!\n\nHe's near the cave between the [ZONE_ZURHIDON CAMP|Zurhidon Camp] and the [ZONE_LASKOTAR|Sathkur Ruins] in the [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes]. Do you remember?
Sys422378_szquest_complete_detailThese [<S>204891|Recording Crystals] will definitely be helpful in inserting your knightly will into the [204650|Arkana]. I can already feel your [204855|Soul of the Arkana: Knight] slowly forming.\n\n([113017|Serre Majik] takes out something bright and hands it to you.)\n\nThis is your [204855|Soul of the Arkana: Knight]. See its immense light?
Sys422378_szquest_descFollow the instructions of [113017|Serre Majik] of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and go find [113007|Hersibi Taylor] near the cave between the [ZONE_ZURHIDON CAMP|Zurhidon Camp] and the [ZONE_LASKOTAR|Sathkur Ruins] in the [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes]. Complete all the work assigned by [113007|Hersibi Taylor] and bring back all the [<S>204891|Recording Crystals] to [113017|Serre Majik].
Sys422378_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou are driven by a strong will, knight. Never forget the holy glory of your soul.\n\nSticking to your will is your most important lesson. Go!\n\nThe test starts near the cave between the [ZONE_ZURHIDON CAMP|Zurhidon Camp] and the [ZONE_LASKOTAR|Sathkur Ruins] in the [ZONE_SASCILIA STEPPES|Sascilia Steppes]. Shine your shield and meet the challenge!