result count: 6

SC_422380_0Level 50 Rogue Dialogue
Sys422380_nameSoul of the Arkana: Rogue
Sys422380_szquest_accept_detailYou lost your [204856|Soul of the Arkana: Rogue]? That's not good! Do you remember that you have to go through many tests before the [204856|Soul of the Arkana: Rogue] can insert your will into the [204650|Arkana]?\n\nNow it appears I can only send you to that guy! Do you remember the trap specialist, [113010|Nadu Boleaf], in the Eye of Wisdom?\n\nActually, he's in a similar predicament to last time! He put an item in a trap and can't escape! You're surprised I know? In fact, it's not surprising because his assistant is always absentminded. [113010|Nadu Boleaf] won't replace her because he says she reminds him of his daughter who died young. So, these kind of incomprehensible mistakes are always happening!\n\nBut maybe this is good? This may be a good test for you to recreate your [204856|Soul of the Arkana: Rogue]!\n\nI must remind you, though, to use your own skills throughout the process. We need all of your rogue will to create the [204856|Soul of the Arkana: Rogue].
Sys422380_szquest_complete_detailThe [204869|Trial Blade] [113010|Nadu Boleaf] gave you? Please give it back to me!\n\nNow, let me transform your powerful will into your own [204856|Soul of the Arkana: Rogue].\n\n([113017|Serre Majik] takes out a shiny object and hands it to you.)\n\nThis is the [204856|Soul of the Arkana: Rogue] created by your will. I can feel the delicate energy inside.
Sys422380_szquest_descFollow the instructions of [113017|Serre Majik] of [ZONE_VARANAS|Varanas] and find Instructor [113010|Nadu Boleaf] in the snow around the [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind] in [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Ystra Highlands]. Give him assistance and bring back any items he gives you.
Sys422380_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat? You forgot the location?\n\nOk! I'll remind you again. You must find Instructor [113010|Nadu Boleaf] near the [ZONE_THE HOWLING SPIRE|Tower of Wailing Wind] in [ZONE_HYBORA HIGHLANDS|Ystra Highlands] and give him assistance. Throughout this process, use your will from beginning to end and we will be able to extract the [204856|Soul of the Arkana: Rogue].