result count: 5

Sys422387_nameComplementary Property: Light
Sys422387_szquest_accept_detailWeak pulse, dilated pupils, shallow breaths...enough! Everyone attacked by the dark energy is like this. We only know that we can mitigate the symptoms by using light energy property. Fortunately, it's not far away.\n\nHuh? Oh, I'm talking about those [<S>102132|Holy Rune Priests]. Some [<S>102132|Holy Rune Priests'] bodies contain usable [<S>205013|Light Energy Crystals]. I can use those [<S>205013|Light Energy Crystals] to treat the people who were attacked by the dark energy.\n\nCan you help me get 10 [<S>205013|Light Energy Crystals]? I must attend to these people as quickly as possible, so I'm trusting you with the task of finding [<S>102132|Holy Rune Priests]!
Sys422387_szquest_complete_detailWonderful! With this I can alleviate the corrosive symptoms of the dark energy!
Sys422387_szquest_descBring back 10 [<S>205013|Light Energy Crystals] for [113082|Jilo Anta].
Sys422387_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe don't have much time...the longer we delay, the closer these people are to death!