result count: 5

Sys422401_nameWorkshop Notice
Sys422401_szquest_accept_detailAdventurer, there's a notice here that should be sent to the [SC_205_GOTO_PP1|Front Base Camp of the Reviver's Corridor].\n\nCan you take it there for me this time?\n\nI can use our technology to transport you there, then all you have to do is give something to [113070|Sai Kasrate].
Sys422401_szquest_complete_detailTsk tsk! The Phirius Workshops asked to barter for research materials... It's not like we don't pay money...\n\nThanks so much for delivering this message!\n\n([113070|Sai Kasrate] rolls the notice into a ball and throws it on the ground.)
Sys422401_szquest_descGo to the [SC_205_GOTO_PP1|Front Base Camp of the Reviver's Corridor] and give the [205005|Phirius Workshop Notice] to [113070|Sai Kasrate].
Sys422401_szquest_uncomplete_detailHey! Is something wrong?