result count: 5
keystring | eneu |
Sys422410_name | More Heads |
Sys422410_szquest_accept_detail | Thanks a lot for last time!\n\nBut to get even more clues I need even more skulls.\n\nCan you help me get more [<s>204895] from the [<s>102151] and the [<s>102152] in the [ZONE_TILEDGN_HYBORA_LABYRINTH_01|Revivers' Corridor]? |
Sys422410_szquest_complete_detail | Oh! This stuff is so cute!\n\n([113077|Hylun Leard] grabs a skull and kisses it.) |
Sys422410_szquest_desc | Get 10 [<s>204895] from the [<s>102151] or the [<s>102152] in the [ZONE_TILEDGN_HYBORA_LABYRINTH_01|Revivers' Corridor] and give them to [113077|Hylun Leard] in the [SC_205_GOTO_PP0|Reviver's Corridor Entrance Hall]. |
Sys422410_szquest_uncomplete_detail | I know that in order to get the skulls you have to defeat those guys first.\n\nBut don't forget that we are looking for clues left behind on their bones, so when you attack them remember to be a bit gentle! |