result count: 8
keystring | eneu |
SC_422426_01 | You've already added [<S>205241|Snakebite Antidotes] to this food! |
SC_422426_02 | You don't have any [<S>205241|Snakebite Antidotes]! |
SC_422426_03 | You add the [205241|Snakebite Antidote] to the Naga's food supplies! |
Sys422426_name | Destroying the Naga's Stock |
Sys422426_szquest_accept_detail | Testing [113172|Owt Poren's] recommendation is our next mission. I will distribute the [<S>205241|Snakebite Antidotes] so that the Commando Unit Members can move out in separate groups.\n\nOf course we will need your help in this. Here is a bottle of the 10 [<S>205241|Snakebite Antidotes]. After infiltrating the [ZONE_NAGA CAMP|Naga Camp], add [<S>205241|Snakebite Antidotes] into the Naga's stock, but remember to bring back the [<S>205242|Empty Antidote Bottles], in case the Naga see them and become suspicious. Other than the mission, it is best to avoid all unnecessary actions to not attract attention. Please be careful! |
Sys422426_szquest_complete_detail | Seeing you back in one piece must mean that you were very successful. All the other unit members returned, but most of them have some kind of injury...\n\nI believe that our sacrifice is worth it. More than half the stock in the [ZONE_NAGA CAMP|Naga Camp] have been destroyed by us. The Naga should not be able to last much longer...but... |
Sys422426_szquest_desc | Infiltrate the [ZONE_NAGA CAMP|Naga Camp], add the 10 [<S>205241|Snakebite Antidotes] into the Naga's stock, and then bring the 10 [<S>205242|Empty Antidote Bottles] back to Commando Captain [113171|Saka Wopait]. |
Sys422426_szquest_uncomplete_detail | After infiltrating the [ZONE_NAGA CAMP|Naga Camp], add [<S>205241|Snakebite Antidotes] into the Naga's stock, but remember to bring back the [<S>205242|Empty Antidote Bottles], in case the Naga see them and become suspicious. Other than the mission, it is best to avoid all unnecessary actions to not attract attention. Please be careful! |