result count: 5

Sys422461_nameMaking an Epic Mage Weapon
Sys422461_szquest_accept_detailOur greatest respect for you, our hero! \n\nThis time the Haidon Artisan Society will grant you its strength, by forging an epic weapon that suits your position. It will grant you great strength to extinguish the emerging power of the evil. \n\nTo forge such a legendary weapon we need [204903|Moa's Core of Art], one [204915|Mage Weapon Fragment], one [205624|Mage Weapon Hilt Fragment], one [205625|Mage Weapon Amplifier Fragment], one [204897|Craftsman Pledge - Premium] and a [204896|Secret Card Deck]. Bring them to the mage weapon maker [113033|Jingis Haylord] in the camp. \n\nYou can use this [205066|Material Source Scroll] to check up the location of the materials. You may also ask me any time.
Sys422461_szquest_complete_detailI've waited a long time for you.\n\nLet us carefully turn these materials into a miraculous weapon, then change the whole world!
Sys422461_szquest_descBring [204903|Moa's Core of Art], one [204915|Mage Weapon Fragment], one [205624|Mage Weapon Hilt Fragment], one [205625|Mage Weapon Amplifier Fragment], one [204897|Craftsman Pledge - Premium] and a [204896|Secret Card Deck] to the mage weapon maker [113033|Jingis Haylord] in the camp. \n(You can use the [205066|Material Source Scroll] to check up the sources of the materials, or ask [113029|Kaboo Towser]. )
Sys422461_szquest_uncomplete_detail([113033|Jingis Haylord] knows that you have something to see him about, but he doesn't say a word. He just gives you a mysterious wink.)