result count: 5

Sys422487_nameChaos in Kilanche Fungus Forest
Sys422487_szquest_accept_detailWhat happened? How could I have fainted here...\n\n\nAh... I remember, I was attacked, attacked by those [<S>102220|Gold Strange Stems]. [ZONE_KILANCHE FUNGUS FOREST|Kilanche Fungus Forest] was a very peaceful place. I don't know why, but it suddenly became like this. Many of my fellow Fungi have fallen into madness, even the ordinarily good-natured little flowers became powerful [<S>102220|Gold Strange Stems].\n\nIn order to prevent other Fungi from being attacked, please kill 10 mad [<S>102220|Gold Strange Stems].
Sys422487_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your help. Have you seen any other Fungi in [ZONE_KILANCHE FUNGUS FOREST|Kilanche Fungus Forest] that haven't gone mad yet?
Sys422487_szquest_descKill 10 [<S>102220|Gold Strange Stems] in [ZONE_KILANCHE FUNGUS FOREST|Kilanche Fungus Forest] for [113191|Bablis].
Sys422487_szquest_uncomplete_detailThose [<S>102220|Gold Strange Stems]. It seems that they are getting crazier and crazier each day.