result count: 6

SC_422498_5(These are the results of my inquiries.)
Sys422498_namePlease help me...
Sys422498_szquest_accept_detail(Coughs) Ah, a traveler. Excuse me, but do you happen to have any [200229|Strong Medicine]?\n\nIf you do, could you please give me a bottle? I don't think I will last much longer unless I get some. (Coughs)\n\n(You see that this stranger has been severely injured.)
Sys422498_szquest_complete_detailAh, I feel much better. (Coughs) The pain has receded a lot. Thank you, traveler.
Sys422498_szquest_descGive a bottle of [200229|Strong Medicine] to [113243|Ment Kesosis], who lies injured near [ZONE_DEMONSCAR|Demon's Scar].
Sys422498_szquest_uncomplete_detailI won't survive much longer. (Coughs)