result count: 7

SC_422499_0What happened?
SC_422499_1When my team and I entered the winding riverway, we were attacked by lots of fierce animals. I couldn't even tell if they were animals or monsters. I've never seen such strange, fierce animals in my life.\nMy team was attacked on the way out. Since the riverway is so windy, our team members were separated. In the end, only I got out of the riverway and returned here.
Sys422499_namePurpose of the Expedition
Sys422499_szquest_accept_detailWhy have you come to such a dangerous place, traveler?\n\nI am an officer in the Order of Dark Glory. I've brought my unit here to perform a task. We originally planned to start from the south end of the [ZONE_SAVAGE LANDS|Savage Lands] to find any Naga that may have escaped. We went through the pass at the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier], but we encountered danger when we came to this winding river...
Sys422499_szquest_complete_detailI don't know if any other members of the party are still alive. The chance may be slim, but I still hope that I will hear of their safe return.\n\nUnless you are absolutely sure it will be fine, I suggest that you stay away from the river. Turn around and go back the way you came!
Sys422499_szquest_descTalk to [113243|Ment Kesosis] and find out what has happened to his unit.
Sys422499_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf I do manage to live through this and get home, I will never forget what has happened here...