result count: 5

Sys422500_szquest_accept_detailIf you are decided on going down to the river, then please do something for me and for all other travelers coming through here in the future: kill those [<S>102248|Wild Alligator Turtles]!\n\nEven though there are lots of fierce beasts in the river valley, the [102248|Wild Alligator Turtle] is the fiercest. Not every adventurer has the ability to deal with them. If you can thin their numbers, it will make things much safer for other travelers who happen to come through here.
Sys422500_szquest_complete_detailYou've done well. And you have avenged my comrades too.
Sys422500_szquest_descGo to the river valley and slay 8 [<S>102248|Wild Alligator Turtles] for Captain [113243|Ment Kesosis] of the Order of Dark Glory.
Sys422500_szquest_uncomplete_detailI've never seen anything like this before. A hard shell with fearful explosive power. Even a veteran mercenary would have trouble defeating them...