result count: 5

Sys422501_szquest_accept_detailIs someone there?... Someone who's managed to get here safely... It's apparent that you must have extraordinary abilities.\n\nI am a mercenary of the Order of Dark Glory. We were attacked by those monsters, and my comrades and I were scattered in the confusion... I can't walk... The wound from when I was bitten by a [102249|Mud Lord] is throbbing with pain now, and my whole body is feverish. I'm afraid that the wound is infected with some disease; that's the only explanation.\n\nPlease, go kill them for me. Kill those [<S>102249|Mud Lords]. Don't let them bite anyone else...
Sys422501_szquest_complete_detailWonderful! Those [<S>102249|Mud Lords] won't be going around biting people anymore... Oh...I'm so hot from the fever...I can't control my own body...
Sys422501_szquest_descKill 8 [<S>102249|Mud Lords] in the river valley for [113244|Ismo Labol].
Sys422501_szquest_uncomplete_detailI can feel something moving around inside me...