result count: 11

SC_422507_0You don't need to do that now.
SC_422507_1This isn't what you want to bring back.
SC_422507_2The [102232|Luzan Shaman] is dead.
SC_422507_3You have to get the [102232|Luzan Shaman] to notice you first!
SC_422507_4The [102232|Luzan Shaman] strongly resists.
SC_422507_EXTRAYou have already brought back enough [$VAR1].
Sys422507_nameAttempting to Establish Contact
Sys422507_szquest_accept_detailWe ought to give the Luzan Bodos warning so they know how much danger they're in, but the Luzan Bodos still don't trust us. They aren't friendly to us at all, so it's difficult to get an audience with their chief.\n\nIt seems we may have to do something drastic...\n\nThe shaman is the Bodos' figurehead. He has a very high position among the Bodos. If we can get [102232|Luzan Shaman's] support, it will help us in convincing the chief to believe us. Use this [205570|Cage] to get a [102232|Luzan Shaman]. If he protests, you may need to attack him and weaken him enough that he doesn't struggle...
Sys422507_szquest_complete_detailYou didn't kill him, did you? Let me see...\n\nAh, he's alright. He's still alive.
Sys422507_szquest_descCarefully attack a [102232|Luzan Shaman]. Once he appears weakened, use the [205570|Cage] to capture him and take the [205571|Captured Luzan Shaman] to Captain [113227|Hank Shwan] of the Order of Dark Glory.
Sys422507_szquest_uncomplete_detailIf [102232|Luzan Shaman] protests, you may need to attack him and weaken him enough that he doesn't struggle...