result count: 6

SC_422511_0You didn't bring a lump of dirt so please don't go out to hunt or do other activities. If you do, you may meet your doom.
Sys422511_nameThe Villains' Weakness
Sys422511_szquest_accept_detailFind out what the villains' weakness is, and make them too afraid to harm us in the future!\n\nI don't know what their weakness is, but you can go find out for yourself. Perhaps you'll discover something you didn't expect.\n\nStart with an [102226|Eduth Fighter] or an [102228|Eduth Hunter]! They are particularly wicked. But be careful.
Sys422511_szquest_complete_detailSo they insist on carrying a [205580|Lump of Dirt] that has been prayed upon before going out...
Sys422511_szquest_descStarting with an [102226|Eduth Fighter] or an [102228|Eduth Hunter], find out what the Eduth Bodos' weakness is, and tell [113250|Jaksok] of Luzan.
Sys422511_szquest_uncomplete_detailStarting with an [102226|Eduth Fighter] or an [102228|Eduth Hunter], find out what their weakness is. If those villains are especially mean, you need to be meaner!