result count: 14

SC_422535_0I'm ready to go.
SC_422535_1Who should be responsible for making the Bodos leave?
SC_422535_2Good story... If you don't want to end up like them...
SC_422535_3Yes, yes! I'll take good care of the remaining Bodos!
SC_422535_4You had better tell [113302|Nand] what happened right away.
SC_422535_5[113302|Nand's] friend is helping [113302|Nand] survey something. [113302|Nand] has to wait for his friend to come back.
SC_422535_6Listen to [113302|Nand] and dress up like one of the red-skin guys. Don't make any strange movements or else you won't look like them.
SC_422535_7You entered the mine and found the captured [113222|Shaman Elder].
SC_422535_8You! What are you doing standing around here? Get back to work!
Sys422535_nameExplore the Sealed Mine
Sys422535_szquest_accept_detailSo Shaman [113313|Shachis] combined [205654|Miraculous Transformation Mud] and [205637|Fire Spirit Engraving]. Hmm...[205637|Fire Spirit Engraving] is done a bit differently from the normal prayer dance. There's writing on the top... "Fire Spirit Guardian, open the passageway and meld the five senses together until it breaks."\n\nSo...basically, as long as this [205637|Fire Spirit Engraving] exists, not only will Shaman [113313|Shachis] know what is happening here, but he will also be able to use his power through me.\n\nThe benefit is that we can immediately report our situation to him. We don't have to keep going back and forth. But...isn't Shaman [113313|Shachis] becoming weaker and weaker? Doing this will make him waste even more energy...\n\nIs the situation so bad that he absolutely has to do it this way?\n\nLet's not waste time! As soon as you are ready, just tell me. Through me, Shaman [113313|Shachis] will send you into the sealed mine. You may not be able to move for a bit, but the mine isn't very big. I will try to put you right in the middle of it.
Sys422535_szquest_complete_detailYou say that the slippery serpent appeared...and stabbed [113222|Shaman Elder] to death?\n\nCould it be possible?\n\nYou say...that he killed [113222|Shaman Elder] while he was exhausted?\n\nIs it true?! How could he do such a thing?!
Sys422535_szquest_descLet Shaman [113313|Shachis], through the guidance of [113302|Nand], take you into the sealed mine to investigate. Don't do anything rash during this time.
Sys422535_szquest_uncomplete_detailAre you ready?\n\nI'll take you into the sealed mine to investigate.