result count: 5

Sys422540_nameUn crimen imperdonableAn Unforgivable Crime...
Sys422540_szquest_accept_detailUno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco...\n\n[113231|Palapa] ha cometido un crimen... un crimen imperdonable...\n\n[113231|Palapa] es responsable de la muerte de un compañero. No tiene derecho a pedir clemencia...\n[113316|Leigha] también ha muerto por culpa de la enfermedad... por culpa de la negligencia de [113231|Palapa]...\n\nDadles sepultura...\n[113231|Palapa] puede estar con ellos en las pruebas finales...\n\n¿Podéis llevarle a [113231|Palapa] la botella de medicamento que está dentro de la casa?\nQuiero ponerla junto a la tumba de [113316|Leigha].One, two, three, four, five...\n\n[113231|Palapa] has committed a crime - an unforgivable crime...\n\n[113231|Palapa] is responsible for the death of a companion. He doesn't have the right to ask for forgiveness...\n[113316|Leigha] has died from the disease as well...died because of [113231|Palapa's] negligence...\n\nBury them...\n[113231|Palapa] can now be with them as they go through their final trials...\n\nCould you bring [113231|Palapa] the medicine bottle inside the house?\nI want to put it with [113316|Leigha's] tombstone.
Sys422540_szquest_complete_detail[113316|Leigha], descansad en paz.\n\n¿Me odiará? Murió por mi culpa...May [113316|Leigha] rest in peace.\n\nWill he hate me?... He died because of me...
Sys422540_szquest_descId a la casa y traed la [205638|Botella de hierbas de Leigha] para [113231|Palapa], de [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa].Go to the house and get the [205638|Herb Bottle Given to Leigha] for [113231|Palapa] of [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa].
Sys422540_szquest_uncomplete_detailLa [205638|Botella de hierbas de Leigha] está dentro de la casa. El Chamán y yo la preparamos para dársela a [113316|Leigha] y curarle la enfermedad. Ahora ya no sirve para nada...The [205638|Herb Bottle Given to Leigha] is in the house. The shaman and I prepared that to give to [113316|Leigha] to treat his illness. But he has no use for it now...