result count: 7

SC_422541_0Speak... I'm listening.
SC_422541_1You see the sickness spreading and hear the Bodos' moan in pain...\n\nBut they didn't blame [113231|Palapa]. Their lenience made [113231|Palapa] feel even more remorseful and ashamed.\n\nAt that celebration, [113231|Palapa] saw a group of masked ones on the side of the riverway. Humans were friends, they have always been he brought those humans into [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa] to celebrate together...\n\nThe humans started to ask about the spiritual artifacts and the shamans didn't look very happy about it. Stupid [113231|Palapa]! You actually couldn't see that the masked ones were bad. They don't show any part of their faces... They're not our true friends...\n\nWhen they couldn't find out anything about the spiritual artifacts, they left...\n\nWhen the celebration ended, the first Bodo fell... He was sitting right next to the masked ones... The series of disasters had started. The source of disaster that the Fire Spirit had warned about was [113231|Palapa]...\n\nThe engraved board... The fire writing is gradually disappearing. [113231|Palapa's] friends won't be able to laugh with [113231|Palapa] again.
Sys422541_namePalapa's Confession
Sys422541_szquest_accept_detailCould you please listen to [113231|Palapa's] confession?\n\nYou are not a Bodo, but [113218|Nisha] let you speak to Shaman [113313|Shachis]. Can I trust you?
Sys422541_szquest_complete_detailThank you...for being willing to listen to [113231|Palapa's] confession...\n\n[113231|Palapa's] friends are all very honest, straightforward Bodos. It's just that they would never want to see [113231|Palapa] in pain...
Sys422541_szquest_descListen to [113231|Palapa] of [ZONE_BODO OF FIRE|Rufa's] confession.
Sys422541_szquest_uncomplete_detailPlease don't ignore [113231|Palapa]. [113231|Palapa] isn't going to waste your time...