result count: 5

Sys422551_nameThe Necessary Nutrients
Sys422551_szquest_accept_detailThese weak little things are still crying. I think it's because the food in the cage is insufficient for them. From the way they look, I think they are missing some important nutrients.\n\nYes! A bunch of [<S>102259|Green Forest Deer] are perched in the area. I would like to ask you to help me get some [<S>205422|Milk] from them to feed these little guys!\n\n([113264|Aylin Kerair] pulls a vial of yellow fluid out from his coat and gives it to you!)\n\nThis is [205421|Anesthetic]. Please use it on the [<S>102259|Green Forest Deer]. Once they have been intoxicated, you can get the [<S>205422|Milk] that the little guys need from them. Once you've collected enough [<S>205422|Milk], come back and see me!
Sys422551_szquest_complete_detailFabulous. With this [205422|Milk], I should be able to do something about those nutrients that they've been missing!
Sys422551_szquest_descUse the [205421|Anesthetic] to intoxicate the [<S>102259|Green Forest Deer] in the area, and get 6 bottles of [205422|Milk] for [113264|Aylin Kerair] at [ZONE_APE MOUNTAIN|Ape Mountain].
Sys422551_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe [205421|Anesthetic] must be used on the [<S>102259|Green Forest Deer]. That is the only way it will work!\n\nOnce the anesthetic has taken effect, you can quickly get milk from the [<S>102259|Green Forest Deer].