result count: 5
keystring | eneu |
Sys422564_name | Explosive Materials |
Sys422564_szquest_accept_detail | Now that my wound is better, we can continue with the mission!\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], I think the mysterious energy that [113265|Sheebo Kanten] mentioned is coming from the [113268|Stone Pillar] behind the [102219|Giant Ape King]. I don't know what the heck that energy is, but it made me feel wretched and shattered the energy gauge that [113265|Sheebo Kanten] gave me. The next thing I know, [102219|Giant Ape King] and his minions have me surrounded! In all my days as a mercenary, I've never been so humiliated.\n\nThe pain and humiliation are burned into my mind. I won't be able to live with myself if I don't complete this mission.\n\nI've done a lot of thinking while I've been lying here. If we want to learn more about the [113268|Stone Pillar] that stands behind [102219|Giant Ape King], we'll have to confront him.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], I still have some of the explosive materials I brought with me. To subdue this slippery customer, we'll need 8 bottles of [205597|Grease] taken from [<S>102218|Strong Giant Apes] as an accelerant! Come on, give us a hand! |
Sys422564_szquest_complete_detail | Look at all this lovely golden oil! Just thinking about all the pain we've got in store for [102219|Giant Ape King] puts a spring in my step!\n\nHahahahaha...hahahaha*Oik!*...ouch. I think my wound just reopened. |
Sys422564_szquest_desc | Collect 8 bottles of [205597|Grease] from the [<S>102218|Strong Giant Apes] on [ZONE_APE MOUNTAIN|Ape Mountain] and give them to [113279|Banki Lofit]. |
Sys422564_szquest_uncomplete_detail | To defeat [102219|Giant Ape King] we'll have to make a special explosive by combining the explosive materials that I brought with me and the bottles of [205597|Grease] accelerant taken from the [<S>102218|Strong Giant Apes]. |