result count: 7

SC_422575What's up with this?
SC_422575_1We were tricked. This trap was set up from the beginning. I never thought that we would have a traitor amongst us that helps the Naga. He gave us false reports that resulted in the deaths of his partners. When I found out that something wasn't right, it was already too late!\n\nThe Naga had us surrounded on all sides. Even if we fought them with all our strength, we'd still be defeated by the unending flow of Naga. All we could do was run for it.\n\nMy comrades were killed one after another until [113230|Filodik] and myself were left... But I didn't think that now...only I would be left...
Sys422575_namePoor Leadership
Sys422575_szquest_accept_detailI never thought that war could be so vicious or that my companions would be wiped out under my command, leaving me behind... Even [113230|Filodik's]...\n\nAwful... How awful... How can I ever report this to [113274|Arlofled]? I can't even forgive myself.\n\nI knew Ikemoon wasn't in good shape, but I let him keep on looking anyway...and even carry the bodies of our murdered comrades...\n\nAwful... How awful...
Sys422575_szquest_complete_detailThe moment [113230|Filodik] died, I knew I could never face [113274|Arlofled] again.\n\nThey all died through my mistakes. What right do I have to keep on living?
Sys422575_szquest_descListen to [113269|Shabasitin's] story.