result count: 17

SC_422579_0Do you agree to fight with me until the end?
SC_422579_1I do.
SC_422579_10I will finally get revenge for my comrades!
SC_422579_11Only those who know no fear are true warriors.
SC_422579_2I don't.
SC_422579_3Then you should leave right away! May the power of nature protect you.
SC_422579_4Very good. Then let's go!
SC_422579_5Let me see what this is!
SC_422579_6It was your waste!
SC_422579_7If you want to become our dessert like your partner, I can make your wish come true!
SC_422579_8Everybody back off! He's nobody special. How could I not be able to beat him?
SC_422579_9Go to hell [102274|Wokis]!
Sys422579_nameThe Final Battle
Sys422579_szquest_accept_detailTo die in battle is my only wish, but before I die, I intend to wipe out every Naga I can get my hands on. It might look like suicide, but I'm going to drag those Naga into the abyss with me, one by one. \n\nBy laying down my life for my people I'll win the acclaim of the Holy King of Elves and every Elven warrior!\n\nThe appointed hour approaches. At least that dodgy intelligence report contained one grain of truth- the time that Naga Captain [102274|Wokis] makes his inspections!\n\nI've checked and every day he arrives at the sentry post to make his inspections at the same time.\n\nThe [ZONE_NAGA SUPPLY LINE EAST|Naga Supply Line] is most vulnerable at that moment. If we miss our chance, we may not get another chance at him. We must succeed.\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], this is it. Killing [102274|Wokis] should throw the Naga supply line into chaos for a while and give [113274|Arlofled] time to think of a response.\n\nFind a few companions to join in our gory fun!
Sys422579_szquest_complete_detail(Gasp)...the moment of glory, is finally upon us...\n\nThe Holy King of Elves smiles upon me. An honorable death is mine at last....\n\nWith [102274|Wokis] gone, my people can rest easy, at least for a while. Long live the Elves! Nature's own people...
Sys422579_szquest_descHelp [113270|Shabasitin] kill [102274|Wokis].
Sys422579_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou ready?