result count: 5

Sys422582_nameAn Irritating Ally
Sys422582_szquest_accept_detailWe might have enough food, but I'm not going to deliver it to them myself. I can't stand their pompous attitude!\n\n(Groan)... This is a fine mess. On the one hand I have to be true to myself, but on the other hand I can't disobey the Captain's orders.\n\nI've got it! I've thought of a way to kill two birds with one stone. Why don't you deliver the stuff to [113273|Kaisvair] the Elf for me?\n\n[$PLAYERNAME], I'll pay you. Just deliver the [205606|Bag of Food] to her. I'll pay you a commission out of my own salary. It's all down to you.
Sys422582_szquest_complete_detailSo that's how it is... That's how those humans view us... \n\nI lost both my eyes in battle, so I'm somewhat sensitive to the smell of blood... and I did not mean to insult that mercenary by invoking the King of the Elves.\n\nThese are sensitive times. I should apologize for my behavior.
Sys422582_szquest_descHelp [113285|Bantun Yadi] deliver the [205606|Bag of Food] to [113273|Kaisvair], who may be found near the Goddess Statue at the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower].
Sys422582_szquest_uncomplete_detailIs that you, [$PLAYERNAME]? I can hear your footsteps!\n\ that fresh blood I can smell? Has something happened? Are you alright?