result count: 5

Sys422583_nameConveying Good Intentions
Sys422583_szquest_accept_detailThis is pure water drawn from under the ancient tree. When combined with certain flowers and herbs it forms an [205607|Antidote].\n\nPreviously when fighting alongside human mercenaries on the battlefield, I noticed that humans appear to be less resistant to Naga poison. In those days we didn't have any time to make the [205607|Antidote].\n\nUntil now... As I can't return to the battlefield, I've started researching a medicine that can weaken the effects of Naga poison. I've been preparing large quantities of the stuff.\n\nThis is the [205607|Antidote]. Please give it to that mercenary and convey my apologies to him.\n\nBy the King of the Elves, this has all been one big misunderstanding!
Sys422583_szquest_complete_detailI was mistaken? No wonder she never looked me in the eye when I approached... It's because she's...\n\nAnd she made us this [205607|Antidote] specially, not knowing that I...\n\nUgh... I've been such a jerk! I must take the time to apologize to her in person.
Sys422583_szquest_descGive the [205607|Antidote] to the human mercenary [113285|Bantun Yadi], at the [ZONE_THE GREEN TOWER|Green Tower].
Sys422583_szquest_uncomplete_detailWhat? What [205607|Antidote]? What are you talking about? I have no idea what you're talking about.