result count: 5

Sys422595_nameMother Earth's Protection
Sys422595_szquest_accept_detailThrough her generosity and mercy, Mother Earth permits the Bodos to live here, providing invisible, silent sanctuary, as we once watched over [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier].\n\nThe Bodos and [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier] share an intimate connection... Some might say we're too close. Peaceful eras seem to stretch on forever, but when crises occur, there's no time to react and before we know it, we're picking up the pieces...\n\nThis time there's no need to decode your instructions. Of the four gods, mother Earth has suffered the greatest injury. You must urgently locate the rare [<S>205641|Forbidden Dirt] in the [<S>113323|Loose Piles of Dirt] near the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier], then, using the power of water, purify and heal the damage done to Mother Earth.
Sys422595_szquest_complete_detailThis [<S>205641|Forbidden Dirt] is still pulsating with energy after a thousand years.\n\nOnly the place has changed... It's smellier somehow...
Sys422595_szquest_descCollect the rare [<S>205641|Forbidden Dirt] from the [<S>113323|Loose Piles of Dirt] near the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier]. Shaman [113288|Tibabus] will wait for you in [ZONE_BODO OF WATER|Haz].
Sys422595_szquest_uncomplete_detailRetrieve the rare [<S>205641|Forbidden Dirt] in the [<S>113323|Loose Piles of Dirt] by the [ZONE_THE GREAT BARRIER|Great Barrier]. I'll need them to restore Her.