result count: 5

Sys422598_nameUnderdog Counterattacks
Sys422598_szquest_accept_detailThere's blood on your soul, I can feel it...\nWe've committed atrocities, you and I....\n\n([113312|Esha] lies on the bloody ground, his pale face looking up at you )\nShameful scars cover my body, but my pain is nothing compared to that which I have inflicted on others.\n\nDo you know of the war that rages between [ZONE_BODO OF EARTH|Eduth] and [ZONE_BODO OF WIND|Luzan]? Eduth treats Luzan like its greatest enemy. It is only natural that they fight back.And the person to throw the first stone at [ZONE_BODO OF WIND|Luzan] was me!... hateful, disgraceful me.\n\nI was easily seduced by the enemy's plans. I thought myself a great warrior and turned all the martial arts I had learned in my life against my own kind, the Bodos of [ZONE_BODO OF WIND|Luzan]!\n\nThe village massacre... Yes... I did it... Me, a warrior... I went berserk, hacking wildly at villagers, when I was hit and fell... A pile of corpses leaking blood more dark and wet than the blood I lie in now.... \n\nI only came to my senses when Shaman [113288|Tibabus] rescued me, then I recalled the things I'd done... Today the Luzan Bodos are walking down the same road.\n\nThe war can only be stopped by cutting it out at the roots. If you're just passing through, then leave the Bodos alone and make amends for your blood debt elsewhere. But if you can stay a while, then sit down and let me tell you everything...\n\nMake your choice! Let's see whether or not you get it! A [205639|Wild Alligator Turtle Paw] will mark the beginning of our alliance!
Sys422598_szquest_complete_detailGreat! You do get it! You cut that paw off quick smart!\nFriend, you may call me [113312|Esha].\n\nYou must forgive me- I can't sit up straight in my present condition. The blades lying around here belong to both the Eduth and Luzan. Eduth attacked me because in their eyes I'm different. It's a fight to the death and both sides are committing atrocities. \n\nIn trying to end this war...I'm not going to tell you not to attack Bodos that are attacking you. I especially have no right to ask that of you...however, I am not I naive enough to think that all problems can be solved without violence.\n\nSo let's get on with it and stop wasting time!
Sys422598_szquest_desc[113312|Esha] wants a [205639|Wild Alligator Turtle Paw] to symbolize your alliance. [<S>102248|Wild Alligator Turtles] may be found on the south side of the river.
Sys422598_szquest_uncomplete_detailYou can continue on your way or you can take your insight and bring back a [205639|Wild Alligator Turtle Paw].