result count: 5

Sys422626_nameThe War Between Wind and Earth
Sys422626_szquest_accept_detailThe relationship between the [ZONE_BODO OF WIND|Luzan] and [ZONE_BODO OF EARTH|Eduth] changed the moment their shrines were overturned. In all the feuding and killing that followed they forgot that they are the same people with the same blood.\n\nI saved [113312|Esha] of the [ZONE_BODO OF EARTH|Eduth] and charged him with mending this relationship.\n\nThe work's not easy...perhaps even deadly. We cannot know how long the recovery will take. The engravings I sent over can help heal their wounds, but they've probably used them all up by now. Would you be able to deliver these [<S>205656|Curative Lake Master Engravings] to him for me?\n\nIf [113312|Esha] wishes to improve the current situation he has to understand the Bodos' past in order to discover the turning point as well as the way back. If you want to learn more about the Bodos, then this is a good chance.
Sys422626_szquest_complete_detailPhew! I want to thank you for all your thank you!
Sys422626_szquest_descTake the [<S>205656|Curative Lake Master Engravings] to [113312|Esha] at [ZONE_BODO OF EARTH|Eduth] for Shaman [113288|Tibabus].
Sys422626_szquest_uncomplete_detailThe way I was going, I'd probably be dead by now, if it weren't for the [<S>205656|Curative Lake Master Engravings]...