result count: 5

Sys422627_nameExploring the Nature of Nightmares
Sys422627_szquest_accept_detailDid you get any of the items called [<S>205718|Nightmare Energy Crystals] in [ZONE_VARANAS_DREAMSCAPE|Julius' nightmare]?\n\nThese items are related to the magic that the enemy used to create this nightmare, so the Eye of Wisdom is trying its best to research these.\n\nIf you get any of these, the Eye of Wisdom agrees to trade some of our stored research materials for them.
Sys422627_szquest_complete_detailThanks for your help.\n\nThese materials here are runes that we used for research as well as potions that can replenish your strength and magic. I hope they are helpful for you.
Sys422627_szquest_descGive 27 [<s>205718] to [113354|Philidia Fanith] outside the guard camp in [ZONE_VARANAS WEST WING|Lower City West].
Sys422627_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe aren't clear what the [<S>205718|Nightmare Energy Crystals] are made of, but it clearly isn't the same as other kinds of magic that we use... Some say it's probably a variant of a kind of ancient rune magic. This is the most credible hypothesis.