result count: 8

SC_422650_0Uh... He who sighs in the wind... [113381|Shailog]...
SC_422650_1Worms are attacking the Holy Tree... The [205794|Fire of Life] has been extinguished... The holy tree is angry. Angry!
SC_422650_2Get out of here invaders! Get out!
Sys422650_nameA Thread of Hope
Sys422650_szquest_accept_detailHold on...\n\nIf the [<S>102192|Poison Trees] are half crazy, but are still carrying around this [205759|Ents' Song] note...that must mean they value it?\n\nIf there are Ents who know how the Zurhidon members got into the [ZONE_DGN_THE_ORIGIN|Origin] and are willing to tell us about it, it would assist our present efforts no end.\n\nI wonder, when faced with an object they care about, will they return to their senses and speak to us? As it will only take a few seconds, it's probably worth a try.\n\nQuietly approach the [<S>102192|Poison Trees], gently humming the tune. If any of them return to their senses, come back and tell me what they have to say. It's already been decided that we must speak with [102307|Holy Tree Falynum] at all costs, but that's probably not the best way. Instead of resorting to extreme measures, it would be much better if the Ents could just tell us what they've seen.\n\nMay the power of nature be with you. I pray for your safe return.
Sys422650_szquest_complete_detailAttacking the Holy Tree with worms...and extinguishing the Fires of Life... These are the Zurhidon's chosen means of attack. \n\nIf we want to learn more about it, we must hurry into the depths, where [102307|Holy Tree Falynum] is located. There's no time to waste!
Sys422650_szquest_descDruid [113382|Milodish] wants you to sing the [205759|Ents' Song] to the [102192|Poison Tree]. If any of the Ents come to their senses, go back and tell her what they have to say.
Sys422650_szquest_uncomplete_detail[205759|Ents' Song] is an Ent artifact. If I'm right, hearing this song should have a real impact on them.