result count: 10

SC_422666No good! No good!
SC_422666_1According to the overseer's report, the entrance to the [ZONE_HALL OF THE ANCIENTS|Hall of Survivors] has been opened!
SC_422666_2Chief [110184|Yarandor] asked me to notify you. I have to rush back to see if anyone has intruded...
SC_422666_3Calm down. Speak slowly.
SC_422666_4I get it! Hurry up and go!
Sys422666_nameCode Red
Sys422666_szquest_accept_detailI really want to hear about all your adventures. Let's sit down and have a nice long chat!\n\nOh! Wait a moment. Someone's coming. They sound in a hurry. It must be urgent...
Sys422666_szquest_complete_detailIt doesn't look good.\n\nIf the material in the [ZONE_HALL OF THE ANCIENTS|Hall of Survivors] has been taken by the Zurhidon, then we're in for all kinds of unimaginable catastrophes...
Sys422666_szquest_descFind out what's going on at the [ZONE_HALL OF THE ANCIENTS|Hall of Survivors] with [110243|Marisus].
Sys422666_szquest_uncomplete_detailEvery time I hear urgent footsteps, it heralds some new kind of new misery.