result count: 5

Sys422671_szquest_accept_detailLet me catch my breath... (Pant pant) That's much better...\n\nAre you also a soldier that was sent for support? That's good, bring these [<S>205901|Trap-Making Materials] to the watchtower and give them to Lieutenant [113453|Lordelain]. That's right, just head over towards that watchtower. Hurry on... We don't have any time to waste here.\n\nI have to go search for more materials, much more! To fight the never ending stream of Naga...
Sys422671_szquest_complete_detailThank you for bringing the materials.\n\nNo doubt it is dangerous to pass through this monster-filled wasteland to search for materials, but you'll find out that these monsters are nothing compared to the Naga ahead...
Sys422671_szquest_descTake the [205901|Trap-Making Materials] to the watchtower in the [ZONE_DEADWOOD GROVE|Dead Tree Plains] and give them to Lieutenant [113453|Lordelain].
Sys422671_szquest_uncomplete_detailMove quickly! Be ready for attacks! Kill those scouts!\n\nYou did well! Be ready for new traps... Materials? The [205901|Trap-Making Materials]? Where is [113454|Haman]? [113454|Haman]!