result count: 6

SC_422673_1You're missing a [205904|Trap Tool Bag]!
Sys422673_nameSetting up Traps
Sys422673_szquest_accept_detailMost of us will move on ahead to the camp at [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill]. There will be fewer soldiers left here to kill [<S>102650|Naga Scouts]. But the later the Naga realize we're here, the later they will launch troops to wipe us out. And we can use this time to do more planning.\n\nGo setup some traps in front of the watchtower before the next wave of [<S>102650|Naga Scouts] arrives. After the approaching [<S>102650|Naga Scouts] are weakened, it will be easier for the soldiers remaining on the watchtower to deal with the scouts.
Sys422673_szquest_complete_detailYou did very well!
Sys422673_szquest_descSet up traps in front of the watchtower to help the soldiers on the watchtower kill the next wave of [<S>102650|Naga Scouts].
Sys422673_szquest_uncomplete_detailWe don't know when the next wave of [<S>102650|Naga Scouts] will come, but I'm sure it won't be too long. Be more vigilant!