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SC_422690_36[113488|William Hasem] raised his sword and charged out!
SC_422690_4Your sneaking causes the wooden barrels to shake, but the Naga don't seem to notice anything strange.
SC_422690_5Careful! They're coming...
SC_422690_6Don't make me tell you twice!
SC_422690_7General, the Scarlet Snake general sent his personal guard here. Maybe there's something going on.
SC_422690_8The orders were personally published by Lady Hansis. Does your skepticism mean that you believe Sharleedah has secretly done something?
SC_422690_9...General...please forgive me. I have been your lieutenant for some time now, and this situation's development is very suspicious...
Sys422690_namePeek at Progress
Sys422690_szquest_accept_detailIf you want to see the [102509|Black Snake General Mafrur's] reaction to the confidential letter you have to find a good place to hide. Come, yes...I remember there were some empty boxes nearby...\n\ you mind? I think I'll have to stuff you in the box when the Naga aren't looking...there's no other way...we have to take into account peeking and security, and I don't have a better idea at the moment.\n\nI saw the contents of those two letters...Perhaps [102509|Mafrur] really trusts his brothers too much, but someone like that won't soften, this I'm sure of.\n\nI admit when I was hiding in the box, I thought I was right in General Mafrur's line of sight, and broke out in a cold sweat...I can't forget that look, like the first time I met Captain [113458|Yashina]. In that regard, they both inspire similar feelings in me.\n\nIn our time with [113487|Ganoda], everyone has changed somewhat. I no longer mind Captain [113458|Yashina's] tone of voice, especially now that she's trying to change.\n\nAlso, the captain wants us to wear [205760|Zurhidon Clothing] and be ready to assassinate the [102509|Black Snake General Mafrur] at any moment. Be sure to do it where there are a lot of Naga around. I want to use actions to prove my loyalty to her!\n\nThe time has come. Can you help me record the content of their conversations?
Sys422690_szquest_complete_detailWhew...had trouble getting Is the situation bad...or good?\n\nI didn't succeed in taking care of him and was almost found out...fortunately these Zurhidon clothes have a mask. Hopefully he believes it's Zurhidon who wants to kill him...\n\nThe [102509|Black Snake General Mafrur]...isn't so simple after all. Don't worry about me for now, just go quickly report to Captain [113458|Yashina]. I'll take care of my wounds myself.
Sys422690_szquest_descWith the help of [113488|William Hasem], peek at the future development of the situation in the box hidden near the [102509|Mafrur's] camp.
Sys422690_szquest_uncomplete_detailI'm holding my breath, waiting for an opportunity. While Captain [113458|Yashina] said failure is ok, if that murderous Naga general really has such a weakness, I must take advantage of it!

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