result count: 21

SC_422693_0[113486|Palea Goethe]?
SC_422693_1Hello, this is the first time we've formally met. I'm Captain [113458|Yashina's] first lieutenant, [113486|Palea Goethe].\n\nI'm not unfamiliar with your story. Captain [113458|Yashina] trusts you, which is good news. She doesn't often show appreciation, but hopefully we can work well together.
SC_422693_10I have already warned...
SC_422693_11General! Please give me another chance!
SC_422693_12The fate of those who violate military discipline and disobey orders...
SC_422693_13Seen clearly?
SC_422693_14[102509|Malfrur] suddenly looks over at your hiding place!
SC_422693_15Not good, he's suspicious! Head back first.
SC_422693_16What should I do now?
SC_422693_3Since the captain wants to know Mafrur's reaction to this, we'll have to move quickly. Just now some of the Naga have moved toward the [ZONE_THE MOLTEN BRIDGE|Steel Bridge of Cremation], where their general has appeared.\nThis time we can't hide in empty boxes. Those boxes have already been removed. They're too cautious - we won't get a second chance to use the same trick again.\n\nThere is a place that's dangerous, but allows a clear view of the bridge. I'd need your complete cooperation.\n\nI'll take you there, and I hope you'll remain completely quiet the whole way. If there's the slightest chance of us being discovered I'll bring you back immediately. You should understand that at this moment the captain doesn't want anything untoward to happen to us.\n\nLet me know when you've put on the Zurhidon clothes.
SC_422693_4I've already put on the Zurhidon uniform.
SC_422693_5First, please put on the Zurhidon uniform.
SC_422693_6Yes, then I'll take you there.
SC_422693_7Please wait a moment.
SC_422693_8Just these few?
SC_422693_9...Yes, General, sir!
Sys422693_nameMafrur's Reaction
Sys422693_szquest_accept_detail([113458|Yashina] slowly shows the chilling hint of a smile.)\n\nWhat do you think will happen to these Naga soldiers if they disregard the general's warning? A general would need to stay in control of these terrible Naga. If he let this go, he would be seriously dissappointing his comrades...\n\nSelfishness aside, if he doesn't respond to this kind of defiance, it will be even more convenient for us to act.\n\nAfter the poison was removed from [113488|William Hasem's] body, his remaining wounds aren't that severe. Just let him continue to rest a while.\n\nYou and [113486|Palea Goethe] go see what Mafrur's attitude toward the Naga soldiers is. The [205923|Locked Box] in the tent hasn't been obtained yet, so before deciding to use the bomb, first think of a way to get it. Notify him of this along the way.
Sys422693_szquest_complete_detailThe [102509|Mafrur's] reaction was better than we thought, his making an example of a few was well executed. No wonder these Naga are in awe when speaking of their general.\n\nThe Captain will be pleased to hear this news.
Sys422693_szquest_descGo near the Blacksnake camp and prepare to confirm Mafrur's reaction to the Naga soldiers' defiance of orders. Tell [113486|Palea Goethe] Captain [113458|Yashina] wants him to think of a way to get the [205923|Locked Box] from the Blacksnake tent before setting off the final charge.