result count: 9

SC_422702You have put a [205925|Ferocious Manticore Corpse] into your own backpack!
SC_422702_1You already have a [205925|Ferocious Manticore Corpse]!
SC_422702_2The [<S>102534|Female Manticores] become angry because of your actions!
SC_422702_3You can only place it at the [ZONE_TOWER OF RAGE|Tower of Rage]!
Sys422702_nameSubmit to Power
Sys422702_szquest_accept_detailWow! These [<S>102534|Female Manticores] really are ferocious! I think we need to use a more direct method to demonstrate your authority to the Manticores and hasten their submission to you.\n\nBreak into their lair, defeat 6 [<S>102535|Ferocious Manticores], then dump one [205925|Ferocious Manticore Corpse] next to the [<S>102534|Female Manticores] so that they will fear you. Remember not to kill too many Manticores, after all, the army still needs them to fly over the Naga's defensive lines. Just killing a few [<S>102535|Ferocious Manticores] as a warning should be fine.\n\nOnce the Manticores fear you, training them shouldn't be that hard.
Sys422702_szquest_complete_detailNot only don't those [<S>102534|Female Manticores] fear you, you've actually made them angrier! Wow!\n\nNow there's an interesting phenomenon. It indicates that Manticores have great confidence in their own strength. No Manticore, whether male or female, depends on others for their survival...
Sys422702_szquest_descKill 6 [<S>102535|Ferocious Manticores], then put one [205925|Ferocious Manticore Corpse] next to the [<S>102534|Female Manticores], so that they will fear you.
Sys422702_szquest_uncomplete_detailDon't just kill the [<S>102535|Ferocious Manticores], but bring one [205925|Ferocious Manticore Corpse] back to place beside the [<S>102534|Female Manticores]. It's the only way to show them how strong you are (without killing them, of course).