result count: 6

SC_422725_0Um... Let me see if this book mentions anything else...
SC_422725_1It doesn't mention anything else! That looks like the lot!
Sys422725_nameConfirming Materials
Sys422725_szquest_accept_detailYou've already brought back four different kinds of materials, but please wait for me a bit. I have to see if there are any other materials that haven't been used...\n\n([113185|Sheelo Lance] lowers his head to look if there are any other materials that haven't been found.)
Sys422725_szquest_complete_detailIt seems that the only magic materials that remain are the ones mentioned in the book.\n\nThen I will deliver these magic materials to the leaders of the Eye of Wisdom so they can finally get out to help on the front lines!\n\nBut I have to thank you for all of this! If it weren't for your help, we wouldn't have been able to collect these materials so quickly.
Sys422725_szquest_descWait for [113185|Sheelo Lance] to check if all the materials described in the book have been collected.