result count: 5

Sys422730_namePreparing to Set Off
Sys422730_szquest_accept_detail(Cough cough)... Since you identify with what I've said, you should soon go to the [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valley of Burning Rocks]! Just like I said, this is an assault that must succeed. With an adventurer as sharp as yourself we have more of an advantage.\n\nBut before you set off, there is one more thing to do and that is to get...(cough cough)...[<S>205874|Crystals] off of [<S>102495|Deathtouch Iguanas] in [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill]. It's the best material to reduce temperatures, as well as tools we can use to sneak into the scorching hot [ZONE_TUMBLING VALLEY|Valley of Burning Rocks]...\n\n(Cough cough)... But these [<S>205874|Crystals] are only usable for a limited amount of time. The [<S>205874|Crystals] that I got that time are already wrecked. I presume that the [<S>205874|Crystals] on those soldiers have gradually started to decay as well.\n\nWe need to get more [<S>205874|Crystals] to help them adapt to the severe environment.
Sys422730_szquest_complete_detail(Cough cough)... You did well.\n\nI hope that these [<S>205874|Crystals] live up to their full potential...
Sys422730_szquest_desc[113444|Moli Gerdoli] of [ZONE_DIMARKA|Dimarka] wants you to get 6 [<S>205874|Crystals] from [<S>102495|Deathtouch Iguanas] in [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill].
Sys422730_szquest_uncomplete_detail(Cough cough cough)... [<S>205874|Crystals] With 6 [<S>205874|Crystals] from [<S>102495|Deathtouch Iguanas] in [ZONE_TITANS HILL|Titans' Hill] as well as a specially made cooling tool, each soldier will have the basic equipment needed.\n\n\n\nBoiling hot weather...always makes people \ncranky...\n\nEven though I don't know how those cooling tools work, what I do know is that we need to get more [<S>205874|Crystals].