result count: 8

SC_422741_1[113443|Alliwaiz], what's going on? You could cut the air with a knife.
SC_422741_2Ugh...trampling trust...what could be worse?\n\nToo much has happened recently...I'm more and more unable to tell what's true and false. You outsiders, there's not a good one among you! Disturbing the peace of this village as soon as you get here! But I never thought [113442|Yumidug] many years of friendship...I don't know what he was thinking.\n\nThe last few nights I saw [113442|Yumidug] wearing a [205889|Cloak] and secretly talking with some cloaked people. He was holding a lot of bones in his hands, like manticore bones, or human remains. Also, recently people are always having accidents in the village. I'm suspicious...but it's only suspicion...\n\nSo I took [113442|Yuimdug's] [205889|Cloak] in order to find out exactly what's going on...but...
SC_422741_21Are you looking for me? [113443|Alliwaiz]?
Sys422741_nameYears Ago
Sys422741_szquest_accept_detailAh, [113442|Yumidug] is an outsider like you. He came here many years ago with a group of his comrades. The strange and new goods they brought with them attracted the attention of the residents and brought conflict to the village!\n\nBefore then we never knew what the outside world was like... It was them that told us about the outside world bit by bit and the things they brought with them also improved our lives!\n\nSo before they left, a bunch of young dreamers went with them. At that time I didn't forbid this. I thought that people had the right to choose what to do with their own lives!\n\nOf that group of outsiders, only one stayed behind and that one was [113442|Yumidug]. He said he loved this village and also loved a beautiful girl. For that girl, he agreed to stay behind and work with me, making this village even better...\n\nSo I trusted him! I trusted him so much! But...\n\n([113443|Alliwaiz] grabs the liquor bottle next to him, gulps some down and doesn't say anything.)
Sys422741_szquest_complete_detailI never thought that I would actually be scared, shy like a girl, totally unable to face the truth...\n\n([113443|Alliwaiz] throws the bottle of liquor down and turns to look at you.)\n\nBut the truth is the truth, even if I want to hide from it, the truth won't change.\n\nOnly by bravely facing it can I resolve my uncertainties.
Sys422741_szquest_descListen to [113443|Alliwaiz's] grievance.