result count: 5

Sys422771_nameA Mount Fitting the Strong
Sys422771_szquest_accept_detailThe association has heard of some of your adventures. \n\nBut the road won't be any easier to walk on. So give your best. Use your secondary class abilities to develop your very own style and your very own specific to devote yourself to this piece of land.\n\nTo celebrate your secondary class, the association has prepared a little present for you. Just find the [111637] to pick it up.
Sys422771_szquest_complete_detailBest of adventurers! Congratulations for receiving your secondary class. Now give your best and devote yourself to this piece of land.
Sys422771_szquest_descAfter receiving your secondary class, go to the [111637] to pick up your reward.
Sys422771_szquest_uncomplete_detailHave you found [111637]?