result count: 10

SC_422775_0Do you need my help with something, [113634|Gubuth]?
SC_422775_1[113634|Gubuth] wants to deliver the [206140|Spring Water Potion] to [113635|Dallas]. He's next to garrison camp at the top of [ZONE_FISHMOUTH COVE|Fishmouth Bay]. Originally, many fairy sneezes ago, [113634|Gubuth] intended to deliver the medicine himself, but those rotten fish delayed him for many fairy sneezes... ACHOOOO! Argh! [113634|Gubuth] fairy-sneezed again...\n\nIt's really terrible. If this powerful [206140|Spring Water Potion] doesn't get there in time, [113634|Gubuth] is worried that any casualties will be in mortal danger. But right now [113634|Gubuth] can't move his feet...\n\nKind person, please help [113634|Gubuth] deliver the medicine.
SC_422775_2[113634|Gubuth], why don't you use the [206140|Spring Water Potion] to heal your own feet first?
SC_422775_3Kind person, thank you for thinking of [113634|Gubuth]. You really are a tremendous person! But [206140|Spring Water Potion] is a medicine concocted by the Goddess for sick and injured people. If [113634|Gubuth] were to selfishly quaff it, wouldn't a truly needy person then go without?\n\n[113634|Gubuth] couldn't be so selfish. Kind person, don't concern yourself about [113634|Gubuth]. Just help him deliver the medicine!
SC_422775_PRESave me... Save poor [113634|Gubuth]...
Sys422775_nameSaving Gubuth
Sys422775_szquest_accept_detailYou saved [113634|Gubuth]! Excellent! What a good person you are!\n\nThe bad fish have been driven away, so [113634|Gubuth] can continue to deliver drugs... Oh! [113634|Gubruth's] foot... Aaaah!\n\n(Looks like [113634|Gubuth's] foot is badly injured...)\n\nIt's all because of those horrible bad fish. They always want to steal [113634|Gubuth's] medicine, now [113634|Gubuth] can't walk! What to do... Aaaah...\n\n([113634|Gubuth] cries for a good while, then suddenly remembers that you are in front of him...)\n\nOh! [113634|Gubuth] is so dumb, how could he not have seen it coming? There's a really good person right here! Good person, can you do a favor for [113634|Gubuth]?
Sys422775_szquest_complete_detailAh ha! You brought the [113644|Spring Water Potion]! \n\nYou can let [113635|Dallas] wait a bunch more fairy sneezes, eh? How come you didn't see [113634|Gubuth]? Ah ha! [113635|Dallas] bets he must have ran into another bad fish on the way, right?
Sys422775_szquest_descUnderstand [113634|Gubuth's] situation and then help [113634|Gubuth] give the [113644|Spring Water Potion] to [113635|Dallas]. He's in the guard campsite above [ZONE_FISHMOUTH COVE|Fishmouth Bay].
Sys422775_szquest_uncomplete_detailHow come [113634|Gubuth] still hasn't come? Achoo!