result count: 14
keystring | es | eneu |
SC_422782_0 | La Enviada Divina desciende. Sus ojos cristalinos os observan. | The divine envoy descends. Her clear eyes turn to look at you. |
SC_422782_1 | Dama [113633|Narfas], rescatad a [113638|Diers], os lo ruego. | Lady [113633|Narfas], please rescue [113638|Diers]. |
SC_422782_2 | ¿[113638|Diers] está herido? ¡No os preocupéis! Llevadme hasta él. | [113638|Diers] is injured? Don't fret. Take me to him. |
SC_422782_3 | Desdichado [113638|Diers]... | Poor [113638|Diers]... |
SC_422782_4 | ¡Hermosa Diosa, salvad a [113638|Diers]! | Beautiful Goddess, save [113638|Diers]! |
SC_422782_5 | No seáis estúpido... La gran Diosa [113633|Narfas] se ha marchado. Ahora ya estáis mucho mejor. | Don't be silly, the great Goddess [113633|Narfas] has gone. You're completely better. |
SC_422782_6 | ¡Muchas gracias, hermosa Diosa! ¡Sois la mejor! | Thank you beautiful Goddess! You're the best! |
SC_422782_7 | Perfecto, [113638|Diers], vuestras heridas están mucho mejor, pero debéis tener cuidado y descansar. [113639|Rezibi], traed a [113638|Diers] de vuelta. | Okay, [113638|Diers], your wounds are better, but remember to look after yourself and rest. [113639|Rezibi], you take [113638|Diers] back. |
SC_422782_8 | Muy bien. Haré lo que dispongáis. | Alright. I'll gladly do as you wish. |
Sys422782_name | Redención de la Diosa | The Goddess' Redemption |
Sys422782_szquest_accept_detail | [113637|Hanis] quiere encomendaros una tarea. Llevad a [113638|Diers] con [113639|Rezibi]. [113639|Rezibi] está en la [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Tumba del Héroe]. Ella llamará a la Diosa para curar a [113638|Diers], que ha sido envenenado.\n\nAunque [113637|Hanis] realmente quiere acompañaros, [113637|Hanis] debe quedarse a la retaguardia y vigilar a los aldeanos del [ZONE_ANARKA HAMLET|Clan Ayak]. Esta es la tarea encomendada a [113637|Hanis] por la Diosa. [113637|Hanis] tiene que hacer un buen trabajo.\n\n[113638|Diers] os necesita. | [113637|Hanis] wants to entrust you with something. Please take [113638|Diers] to [113639|Rezibi]. [113639|Rezibi] is in [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Hero's Tomb]. She will call on the Goddess to cure the poisoned [113638|Diers].\n\nAlthough [113637|Hanis] really wants to go with you, [113637|Hanis] must stay behind and watch over the [ZONE_ANARKA HAMLET|Ayak Clan] villagers. This is the task given to [113637|Hanis] by the Goddess. [113637|Hanis] must do a good job.\n\n[113638|Diers] needs you! |
Sys422782_szquest_complete_detail | ¿Qué pasa con [113638|Diers]? ¿Qué? ¿Que una bestia extraña le atacó? Esto no tiene buena pinta. Bajadlo primero. Llamaré a la Maestra [113633|Narfas]. | What's wrong with [113638|Diers]? What? Attacked by a strange beast?! This doesn't look good. Put him down first. I'll call on Master [113633|Narfas]. |
Sys422782_szquest_desc | Llevad a [113638|Diers], que ha sido envenenado, con [113639|Rezibi] en la [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Tumba del Héroe]. Pedidle a [113639|Rezibi] que invoque a la Diosa para que cure a [113638|Diers]. | Take the poisoned [113638|Diers] to [113639|Rezibi] in [ZONE_GRAVE OF HEROES|Hero's Tomb]. Ask [113639|Rezibi] to call on the Goddess to appear and cure [113638|Diers]. |
Sys422782_szquest_uncomplete_detail | La Maestra [113633|Narfas] es la más agradable y la más noble. Ella nos enseñó, y con lo que nos enseñó, obtuvimos el poder de ayudar a otros. | Great [113633|Narfas] is the most merciful and noble. She taught us knowledge, and with knowledge we have the power to help others. |